Make Money Online | Earn $1000/Day FROM Google Translate

Make Money Online | Earn $1000/Day FROM Google Translate

Make Money Online?

Earn $1000/Day FROM Google Translate: How can you earn $30 every 10 minutes and up to $180 per hour and for this method you are going to use Google Translate, I just want to start this video by saying that this method is similar to those written methods. or not one of them you have to write a blog post method, this is a different method, this is a different way of earning money and with this method you can actually earn around 25 to 30 every 10 minutes, you Don’t get paid hourly, you get paid every 10 minutes. minutes so an hour is 6 times 10 minutes so let’s do 30 times six that’s 180 that you can potentially make using this method so most people who use this method actually do it almost every day four to five hours so let’s do the math on that if you use this website for about five hours every day you will earn about 900 per day which is not bad, before we start the video I want to mention that Would like this method to be completely free. Can do all this, just you need to have Paypal account and if you want to earn money online then I highly suggest you subscribe to this channel because I post 24 videos every week with different money earning methods. Which you can use to earn money. Money Online And if you haven’t subscribed I may post a video tomorrow or next week and that could be the video that could change the game for you forever, so now that you have subscribed to the channel and Have maximized your opportunities Make Money Online Let’s get started So right now I’m here on the Google Translate website, this is the website you want to go to, all you have to do is bring it to this website, I know that one of you Most people might already know that you go into Google and type translate and then when you do that this window will pop up here and to go to the whole website all you have to do is click here Click on Google Translate at the bottom. Open the entire website to browse Well, once you are on the Google Translate website you just have to translate something, if you don’t know how to use it, you choose the language you want to translate into Whatever language you want it translated into, so let’s say I wanted to translate from English to Spanish, okay uh hello, I typed hello, it’s going to translate it to Spanish, hola, pretty straightforward, so Now you know how to translate things it’s really easy you know straight away all you have to do is now we’re going to go to CPA Grip which is a website that I love and I really like this website Because it is really easy to use it to earn money, all you have to do is copy your affiliate link with some actions that will give you inside the website and whenever someone does something like clicking on a link or entering an email you will earn money from that. will earn, so it’s really easy to make money using this website and you know basically anyone around the world can use it because it uses PayPal to pay people so I think Paypal works all over the world so if you are able to get a Paypal account then you are able to use this website now all you have to do to register for it is click on register, I already I am registered on the same website, so it has already taken me to the dashboard, but all you need to do to register for this website is you need an email address. Name um, I think you need a phone number, I’m not really sure, but it’s very easy, very straightforward, I think it’s a username password and phone number and another video of mine in which I show you guys how you can register for CPA Grip and if I’m not mistaken this was the video I’m talking about briefly on YouTube, so if you Want to know how to register for this website, if you want to see me doing it step by step then just watch it at the end of this video There is one thing that you will be able to see as soon as you log in to this website, this Will show you all the people who are making money using it properly as you can see here this person made thirty thousand dollars, seven hundred twenty seven dollars with fifteen thousand leads, so this person is earning top dollar, so By doing this this person earned two hundred twenty eight dollars, this person earned three thirty six dollars, three hundred eighty three dollars, one hundred fifty dollars. Dollar one thousand seven hundred ninety nine dollars, so a lot of people are using this site to make money and I can tell you from personal experience that I know people who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars using this website Are.

So once you’re in the dashboard here are some of the top performing offers you might want to check out, but what I’m going to show you today is how you can use this website in a whole different way. To earn all the money so what you have to do is you go to offer tools, you click on my offer and you know by default it knows I’m in the United States, so it shows United States for me. , which you know most of the offers here are not bad as you guys can see here this is the highest paying offer is to pay two dollars five cents which is not bad, you know if you have a high If you have quantity traffic then you can earn a lot of money by doing this but if you want to earn two thousand dollars using this method here using these offers you will have to get traffic from 1000 people to get 2,000 which I know. That’s what a lot of you won’t do unless you’re doing one of the other methods that I’m doing. We’ve taught in the past what it’s like to use YouTube Shorts and things like that, but what if you can make more money than two dollars on an offer, that’s one thing I know a lot of people don’t know. , that is you need to use the top paying countries offer the higher value, so what I mean by this, I’m just going to show you what you want to change here in some countries like I would say France or Maybe doesn’t know Italy or maybe Spain, as you guys can see here in France. This payment is 23 right which is a lot more than the two dollars that we just saw from the United States and the reason is that a lot of people are not using these countries to make money so they want to pay more money Encourage people in these countries to start using your website, a lot of people are using it in the United States, but not so many people are using it in France, so they encourage you to use it in France too. Want to encourage to start, so let’s try Spain Let’s see what Spain has in Spain, they’re paying a little bit less, oh, they’re actually paying more 28, so they’re in Spain Paying you 28 to fulfill your order, let’s look at Italy I’m actually Italian, if you guys, well, I don’t know, so in Italy they have the highest paying offer of 17, So what we’re going to do today, we’re going to focus on Spain right now, when you look at this website Spain may not be bothered by the highest bid. Well, you want to look at the highest paying countries, you can look at Sweden, you can look at Portugal, you can look at, I don’t know Australia, Switzerland, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, you can look at these We can look at countries and see what and how much people are promoting. In this case when paying today they are the highest paying in Spain, at least from what I can see here, so I am going to choose an offer here in Spain and the reason why they are paying so much is this That’s what people don’t do. They don’t speak Spanish and they don’t promote things in Spanish because they don’t speak other languages and that’s why most people only want to promote English offers and that’s where the opportunity lies for you, so you What you have to do to get this is your affiliate link is that you are going to click on this offer here, let’s say you click on the first offer, in this case they will ask you to give your telephone number to get a chance to win. Asking to enter, so they are asking you to enter your phone number. Here is your chance to win their offer and for every person that does this you are going to earn 28.76, okay so now what you want to do to get your affiliate link, you want to choose a domain for the tracking domain Which you can choose I don’t know the ethical files, let’s use this and this will be your affiliate link, so in this case it’s not a purchase whenever someone makes a purchase, whenever they want to get a chance to win this offer So here you are, here’s the dollar amount that’s going to be received and this is your affiliate link that you’re going to use to promote that offer, okay, now that you have your affiliate link. So what you want to do is, you want to copy it, write it down somewhere so in case you don’t lose it, I’ve put my affiliate link in this text file here and I’m going to shorten it a few times. Going in and your link is too big right now, so what you want to do is you want to go to and you want to shorten this link and make it more attractive for people to click. Want to make, okay, let’s see what this offer is called, uh ingreso okay, so what people are going to do is they’re going to click on your link to win the free generator energy generator so Let’s try to put it in Google from Spanish to English solar generator, so we can

Here you are going to put your affiliate link, just copy it and paste it here and then click on create on the customize back half, you want to add the name of your offer, okay, so the name of the offer here is Generator Solar, So we want to take this and we want to paste it here, remove the space and see if it’s available, so it’s not available, let’s put a number at the end let’s say 12. Okay, good you can do this. Want to copy the link, also save it somewhere, so now you’ve shortened your link, what you want to do is, you want to go to this website, obviously copy the link, save it somewhere like That I showed you and you want to go here to this website and as you remember we have an offer here that people will pay us $28.76 for every person that enters their phone number into this offer and when they do that You will get money, so what I am going to show you in this website is going right now. It is guaranteed that you are going to get at least 1,000 visitors to your offer, so not all of them are going to complete your offer, so let’s say 10 of them complete your offer, so here’s the calculator Open 1,000 people minus 10 i.e. 100 people, let’s say 100 people complete your offer and there are 10 of them and 100 times 28 i.e. 2,800, so you are going to earn more than 2,800 if at least 100 of them Click on your offer and put it right on your phone numbers to sign up for this free solar generator and let’s say only 10 of those 100 people made the offer, minus 10 you would be making $280, you Know that if 10 people complete your offer you are going to earn $280 which is still worth it for something that took you less than 10 minutes to set up and obviously you can use it as many times as you want. bar so basically the money you’re going to make just depends on how many times you want to do this so now what you want to do is you want to go to this website called trafficadbar .com and add a website to it What you want to do is you want to copy your link a little bit, copy that link and you want to paste it here, so it’s in the name of your offer. is your affiliate link with, which is a solar generator, so what you want to do is add it here and click add website, so this is where Google Translate comes in handy What we want to do, we Google Want to go back to translation, I actually want to go back to CPA Grip and you want to see what they’re advertising on their ad here, in this case they’re showing you can win now Jackery me Guess you call it solar generator 1000 like that so you want to type it into Google uh translate you can win right now jQuery solo generator 1000 okay so now we’re going to do it from English to Spanish and okay Now we have this Spanish writing that you want to take, put it in your title, okay, so this allows you to work with like just a small amount here at first, so let’s copy it in parts, now This will be your ad and it will look like this So what is the language of your ad and website, you want to put it in Spanish and when you are doing your ad in Spanish, when you want to input Spanish in that country here and here where you want to advertise you want to type in spain then they’re giving you an extra credit okay so now what you want to do is you want to come back here and you want to save it and it will run your ad Will post to the network Okay and after you’ve done that you want to click save and it’s going to save your ad to the network and every time someone takes the action that you asked them to do , in this case input their phone number, I think I can’t remember I’m looking, yes, input their, input their phone number, you’re going to earn 28.76 and remember that The website is promising people 1,000 visitors, for every 1 person they get, 10 people who do that, you’re going to earn $280.

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